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Airside Disruption


OPNOT 2025-01

EGBO Infrastructure Upgrades

Published: 12/01/2025
Effective: 15/01/2025




1. Introduction

The purpose of this OPNOT is to outline operating restrictions, whilst airside infrastructure upgrades take place.

2. Background

Infrastructure upgrades are taking place airside to overhaul deteriorating infrastructure, which is essential to improve safety, capacity, and operational efficiency. These upgrades are also critical to ensure that EGBO can satisfy the requirements of a licensed aerodrome.

3. Operations

Duration of Works


Essential infrastructure upgrades shall take place between 15th January 2025 and EXTENDED until the 12th February 2025. 


It may become necessary to extend the duration of planned works due to unforeseen circumstances; for example, heavy snow resulting in works having to be postponed by 3 days. Despite this, airport management have mitigated disruption as much as possible, to meet the target of 7th February 2025 for works to conclude.

Impact on Aerodrome Infrastructure


There shall be major infrastructure upgrades commencing airside, which include:

  • All three runways being resurfaced.

  • Taxiway alpha and foxtrot being resurfaced.

  • Fuelbay being concreted.

  • Main parking apron being extended.

  • New LED lighting for runway 16/34.

  • New LED lighting for helipad 5.

  • New PAPIs for runway 16/34.


As a result, the following restrictions shall be imposed:

  • Runway 16/34 being closed for the entire duration of works.

  • Runway 10/28 being closed for the entire duration of works.

  • Runway 22/04 being closed for the entire duration of works.

  • Taxiway alpha being closed for the entire duration of works.

  • Taxiway foxtrot being closed for the entire duration of works.

  • Main apron being closed for the entire duration of works.

  • Fuelbay and helipads 1,2 & 3 being closed for the entire duration of works.

  • Helipad 4 & 6 will be available, with JETA1 refuelling taking place from the fuel bowser.

  • Helipad 5 will remain operational, however, it will close at certain periods for essential upgrades. This may also cause helipads 4 & 6 to temporarily periodically. Closure will be published via NOTAM.

Impact on Aerodrome Operations


During this period, the aerodrome will be unlicensed.


From 09:00 – 17:00 Zulu, AFIS will operate like normal. The ATS team will be able to fulfil the requirements of an AFIS. The ATS team will control vehicles airside and provide an AFIS to rotary traffic, ensuring vehicles do not disrupt rotary operations. All air traffic can still transit the ATZ and request for a basic service.


RFFS will be on site from 08:30 – 17:00 Zulu. They will be escorting vehicles, conducting maintenance tasks, and taking part in essential training.


Impact on Fixed Wing Traffic


Fixed wing traffic will not be allowed to operate under any circumstances. This includes taxiing, departing, and arriving.


Impact on Rotary Traffic


Rotary traffic will be allowed to operate, however, there will be major restrictions imposed. Rotary traffic is strictly forbidden from taxiing on or near runways or taxiways.


Rotary traffic must only operate between 09:00 – 17:00 Zulu.


Refer below for direct joining and departure instructions for rotary traffic.


Impact on After Hours Flying


Under no circumstances will after hours flying, where aircraft depart or arrive outside airport operational hours, be allowed. This is for both rotary and fixed wing traffic.


Rotary traffic must only operate during the period of 09:00 – 17:00 Zulu.


Impact on Night Flying


Night flying will not be permitted under any circumstances. Regular night flying evenings on Thursdays (17:00 - 21:00) have been suspended until works have concluded.


Impact on Refuelling


Only JETA1 is available. AVGAS will not be available.


Rotors running refuels will not be allowed during this period.


Shutdown refuels for rotary will be available, however, the fuelbay will be closed. All JETA1 refuels are to take place from the JETA1 fuel bower, abeam helipad 4,5 & 6.


There will be periods where no helipads will be available, due essential maintenance on helipad 5, resulting in JETA1 refuels being unavailable. If you require a refuel, check NOTAMs (which will notify of helipad closures) and ring the ATS team on 01384 221378 before flying in.

Rotary Traffic Joining Instructions for Visitors


Online booking in (PPR) via our website will be unavailable during this period. PPR, however, is strictly required. Pilots will need to ring the air traffic team on 01384 221378 to book in. The air traffic team will give a verbal brief on how to join, outlining any operating restrictions (e.g. fuelbay being unavailable).


Rotary traffic must join via Heli south only (next to runway 34), as depicted by the red arrow below. Rotary traffic must always remain clear of all taxiways and runways. When joining, the air traffic team will ensure no vehicles are obstructing a safe join or situated in potentially hazardous location (e.g. near a helipad).


The air traffic team will assign you a helipad (4, 5 or 6) depending on operational requirements.


Rotary Traffic Departure Instructions for Visitors                 


You must ring the air traffic team at least 15 minutes before departing, by calling 01384 221378. This will allow the air traffic team to ensure there are no vehicles obstructing a safe departure or situated in a potentially hazardous location. You will need to ask the air traffic team to start engines, before doing so. This is to ensure there are no dangerous objects or FOD nearby, to allow for a safe start.


After starting, you will need to ask the air traffic team to depart. The air traffic team will give airfield information and departure instructions.


Rotary traffic must depart via Heli south only (next to runway 34), as depicted by the red arrow below. Rotary traffic must always remain clear of all taxiways and runways.


PDG Helicopter Operations


For PDG helicopter operations, contact the PDG operations team or ring the air traffic team on 01384 221378.

OPNOT Promulgation


This OPNOT will be distributed to the following locations:

  1. All flying schools

  2. All airport residents

  3. Air traffic team

  4. Rescue and fire fighting service team

  5. Airport office and airport management team(s)

  6. Airport website

  7. Airport social medias


This OPNOT shall be accessible to everyone.


NOTAMs shall be published outlining restrictions and procedures depicted in this OPNOT.

4. Queries

Queries shall be addressed to Duty Manager Jordan Timmins or FISO Manager Harvey Sant.




5. Cancellations

This OPNOT will remain in place until 7th February 2025, unless an extension is required.

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